125 Lincoln St 2nd Fl
Category Digital Health Company
Patient Discovery connects patients undergoing complex treatments to targeted support and services. Patient Discovery's learning solutions reveal insights into the mind of the patient, capturing knowledge gaps and giving voice to unspoken concerns. Armed with these insights, healthcare professionals and caregivers can provide highly targeted support to ensure comprehension and compliance.
Buyer PatientProvider
Setting Home or Community
User Patient
Purpose CommunicationConsumer Engagement
Method Artificial Intelligence / Predictive Analytics / Machine LearningNetwork
880 Winter St
Twitter @PatientKeeper
Category Digital Health Company
Patientkeeper provides applications for CPOE, charge capture, documentation, sign-out, and a physician patient portal, including a native mobile app that let's physicians access and act on information, anytime, anywhere.
Buyer AdministratorProvider
Setting HospitalOutpatient Facility
User AdministratorProvider
Purpose Billing / Reporting / OperationsCare Coordination
Method Mobile AppNetwork
330 Congress St 4th Fl
Twitter @PatientPing
Category Digital Health Company
PatientPing is a care coordination network that allows any healthcare provider to receive notifications (Pings) in real-time when their patients receive care anywhere, like in the ER, hospital, and/or post-acute care facility. In addition to Pings, the network inspires other services to improve coordination beyond a provider's owned network.
Buyer AdministratorPayorProvider
Setting HospitalLong-Term/Post-Acute Care FacilityOtherOutpatient Facility
User AdministratorPayorProvider
Purpose Care CoordinationCommunicationTelemedicine
Method Mobile AppNetwork
160 Second St 3rd Fl
Twitter @patientslikeme
Category Digital Health Company
Patients Like Me is a health data-sharing platform that transforms the way patients manage their own conditions, change the way industry conducts research and improve patient care.
Buyer PayorPharma
Setting Home or Community
User CaregiverPatientPayorPharma
Purpose Communication
Method Network
Boston, MA 02201
Twitter @pavlok
Category Digital Health Company
Pavlok is a electronic wristband that helps you create and maintain good habits while punishing the bad ones. Choose a habit to change and wear your Pavlok. Get zapped when you engage in your bad habit. Your brain creates an aversion pairing the zap with that habit.
Buyer Patient
Setting Home or Community
User Patient
Purpose Wellness / Fitness
Method Mobile AppSensor / Wearable
300 Washington St
Twitter @paxeramed
Category Digital Health Company
Paxeramed Corp develops a full range of medical imaging solutions including multimodality workstations, web-viewing solutions, cardiac workstations, mobile DICOM viewers, patient portal, dental PACS, Vet PACS, advanced visualization and enterprise solutions.
Buyer Provider
Setting Dental FacilityHospitalLong-Term/Post-Acute Care Facility
User Provider
Purpose Diagnostics
Method Network
745 Atlantic Ave
Twitter @peartherapeutic
Category Digital Health Company
Pear Therapeutics develops mobile digital health apps that combined with supplements, medical foods, and pharmaceuticals create more effective treatment solutions.
Buyer PayorProvider
Setting Home or CommunityOutpatient Facility
User PatientProvider
Purpose Care DeliveryConsumer Engagement
Method Artificial Intelligence / Predictive Analytics / Machine LearningMobile AppNetwork
1 Rogers St
Twitter @pega
Category Digital Health Company
Pegasystems develops strategic applications for sales, marketing, service and operations. Pega's applications streamline critical business operations, connect enterprises to their customers seamlessly in real-time across channels, and adapt to meet rapidly changing requirements. Healthcare organizations need to improve clinical, financial and administrative outcomes. Armed with Pega's strategic applications, the world's top healthcare companies are revolutionizing care and the customer journey with lower costs, greater efficiency and a superior patient experience.
Buyer PayorPharmaProvider
Setting HospitalOther
User PayorPharmaProvider
Purpose Billing / Reporting / OperationsConsumer Engagement
Method Network