MeHI partnered with the Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care (the Coalition) on an initiative to facilitate electronic sharing of advance care planning (ACP) documents, designed to help achieve the Coalition’s goals of ensuring that patients’ wishes, preferences, and goals of care are documented and made accessible regardless of place of care. The mission of the Coalition is to ensure that everyone in Massachusetts receives healthcare that is in accordance with their goals, values and preferences at all stage of life and in all steps of their care.
In addition to the Coalition, MeHI is collaborated with Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), and other stakeholders to examine methods, architectures and technologies that can be used by providers to reliably share ACP documents electronically – across systems and platforms – to improve the ability of clinicians, emergency medical services, and other institutional and community caregivers to quickly and reliably identify a patient’s wishes and care preferences at every setting.
MOLST to POLST Transition
Stakeholders identified electronic access to patient Medical Orders for Life–Sustaining Treatment (“MOLST”) forms as a critical need with a high potential to significantly improve the quality of end-of-life care. As part of the evolution of its MOLST program, Massachusetts applied to join the National POLST Paradigm.
Based on this proposed MOLST update, stakeholders recommended that Massachusetts introduce an e-MOLST solution in tandem with the DPH statewide rollout of an updated paper-based MOLST form.
For more updates, visit the MOLST to POLST Advisory Group page on the Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care's website.